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Brand Management

What is a brand ?

    A Brand is a




  Symbol, or

  Design intended to distinguish the goods and services from one another


Why create a brand?

    Products, personalities, companies, cities, region and countries compete with each other

    All of them can be BRANDED


Brand worthy entities

    Goods (Luxor pens, Nokia phones)

    Services (Kingfisher Airlines, Red Cross)

    Events (IPL, Kingfisher Derby)

    Experiences (Disney Land, Essel World)

    Persons (Aishwarya Rai, Akshay Kumar)


1) Create brands to fight competition

Importance of Brands

    2) Brands are assets because, when properly managed, they provide a secure stream of income for the business.


What is a brand?

   3) Brand is a mixture of attributes, tangible and intangible, symbolized in a trademark, which, if managed properly, creates value and influence.

    “Value”  means “the promise and delivery of an experience”

Purpose of Brand

   4) Brands offer customers a means to choose and enable recognition within cluttered markets.


 Origin of Brands

    Ranch owners branded, or marked, their cattle so they could later identify their herd as their own.

    Craftsmen used their initials, a symbol, or another unique mark to identify their work and they usually put these marks in a low visibility place on the product.

Branding Today

    Branding today is used to create emotional attachment to products and companies.

    Create a sense of a sense of higher quality,


What is brand

Brand   =  Product  +  Image


What is brand

    Product has Tangibility, Attributes and Features

    Image : Intangible

     Image : The sum of all communications and experiences received by the consumer and customer resulting in a distinctive image in their mind based on perceived emotional and functional benefits.

    Brands are a means of differentiating a company products and services from those of its competitors.

     Customers will pay a substantial price premium for a good brand and remain loyal to that brand.

    Brand = Promises of value you or your product make.


Brand awareness

Some definitions

    Brand Image : Customers’ perception

    Brand Awareness :Brand Recognition + Brand Recall

  Brand Recognition : ability of consumers to confirm that they have previously been exposed to your brand

  Brand Recall : The ability of consumers to name your brand

    Brand preference : they prefer your brand over other brands

    it refers to the proportion of consumers who know of the brand.

    Brand awareness can be measured by showing a consumer the brand and asking whether or not they knew of it beforehand.

Brand Awareness

    Examples of such measures include:

    Brand recognition - Either the brand name or both the brand name and category name are presented to respondents.


    Soap : Imperial Leather, Moti,

Brand Awareness

    Examples of such measures include:

    Brand recall - the product category name is given to respondents who are asked to recall as many brands as possible that are members of the category.

Brand Awareness

    Top of mind brand awareness - as above, but only the first brand recalled is recorded (also known as spontaneous brand recall).

     Lux, Apollo, Dell, Revlon

Brand Extension

    Product Line extension

    PLE are variants or sizes extension

    Dove pears lifebuoys are not PLE, they add various brands to the product line

    Horlicks – horlicks fro women, junior horlicks

    Pulsar and pulsar DTS


    Brand Extension

    Brand name same product new

    Dove soap, dove shampoo

     Product-related extension is more popularly called ‘line extensions’

    A line extension is typically a product or flavour or fragrance variant.

    Examples of this are Nirma detergent powder popular and super Nirma detergent powder


    Image-related extensions are those where the brand extension bears some logical or emotional relationship with the parent brand.


    Examples of this are Cinthol moving into talcs from toilet soaps and Zodiac moving into belts from shirts.


    Unrelated extensions are those where the parent and the brand extensions have little in common but for the brand name.


    A classic case of this is the brand name Godrej appearing on soaps, safety locks, almirahs, typesetters, hair-dyes, refrigerators and other products.


Flanker Brand

    New brand introduced into a product category by a company that already markets an existing brand in that category.


    The flanker may be a different size, flavor, or type of the existing product.


    The new brand is designed to compete in the category without damaging the existing item’s market share by targeting a different group of consumers

Flanker Brand

    HUL having different varieties of washing powder detergent, e.g.

    Surf Excel for the Premium segment,

    RIN for the middle segment and

    Wheel for the lower segment.

P& G - Pantene –Head & shoulders- Rejoice

Flanker Brand

    A premium brand that offers high quality at a higher price.

    One or more “value” brands offering a slightly lower quality or a different set of benefits for a lower price.

    Flanker branding is important because it allows a company to attract new customers from various market segments.

Flanker Brand - Advantages

    Gain more shelf space for the company, which increases retailer dependence on the company’s brands.

    Capture “brand switchers” by offering several brands.

    Develop excitement within the company by monitoring sales figures of the different brands.

    Protect the company – giving a product its own unique name means it will not be readily associated with the existing brand. This reduces risk to the existing brand and/or company if the product fails.

    Companies with a high-quality existing product can introduce lower-quality brands without diluting their high-quality brand names. 


    Co-branding is when two companies form an alliance to work together

    Cobranding – has a joint name

    Bharti axa life insurance

    Kotak Mahindra

    Birla sunlife

    Max newyorklife

    Co-branding is an arrangement that associates a single product or service with more than one brand name,


    There are three levels of co-branding

    Market share : includes joining with another company to penetrate the market

    Brand extension : is working to extend the brand based on the company's current market share

    Global branding : tries to achieve a global strategy by combining the two brands

Co-branding Benefits

    1. to create financial benefits; 
2. to provide customers with greater value; 
3. to improve on a property's overall image; 
4. to strengthen an operation's competitive position; and 
5. to create operational advantages.


Cobrand - Jet Airways – Citibank credit card

Co-brand credit cards

     ICICI CoBranded BPL Card - ICICI Bank

     ICICI CoBranded Big Bazaar Card - ICICI Bank

     ICICI CoBranded Air-Tel Card - ICICI Bank

     ICICI Affinity SPMIJR Gold Card - ICICI Bank

     ICICI Affinity HelpAge India Gold Card - ICICI Bank

     HPCL Silver Master Credit Card - ICICI Bank

     American Express Kingfisher first credit card

     'Air India - American Express Co-brand Card‘





Happy Meal

Disney and McDonalds

    The characters from Disney’s new films are distributed as toys with McDonalds "Happy Meals".

    Ensures publicity for Disney within its relevant target audience and an increase in sales for McDonalds.

    Disney promotes and advertise new movies both in stores and through ads the fast-food company funds

New Product / Brand

Titan  - Fastrack

HUL - Brooke Bond and Taj Mahal

    Brooke Bond Taj Mahal, Brooke Bond Red Label, Brooke Bond Taaza & Brooke Bond 3 Roses

HUL  and Lipton  Ice Tea

Frooti and appy fiz


Purpose of introducing extensions

For Differentiation

    A company may introduce a new offering for a new segment, and hence differentiation is required with the reassurance of the mother brand (Junior Horlicks).



    A brand may become staid and may require a contemporary orientation with the tried and trusted mother brand name (Pond’s cream).


Lower market penetration

    A brand may enter a downscale market and the mother brand may be perceived as expensive, or the brand may want to introduce a sub-brand to compete with a number of regional brands

    Reno from Sintex water tanks: Though Reno is advertised as a separate brand, it is advertised as “from the manufacturers of Sintex”.


Multiple offering

    When a company has a string of offerings within a product category, there is a need to develop an identity for each offering (Cadbury’s Gold, Perk Picnic, 5-Star to name a few).


Upmarket movement

    A brand may want to move to upscale markets but may find that its equity is not upmarket


Different customers

    A brand may want to address different consumers within the same psychographic segment. Close- Up is a toothpaste positioned towards fun loving, vibrant youngsters.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Brand Extension


    Consumer knowledge: New brand has an association with the main brand, awareness already there and the “main task is communicating the specific benefits of the new innovation”


    All Maruti cars are : It is a durable, low budget and a good car

    All Suzuki cars are dependable so A-star will be dependable


    Consumer trust: the existing well-known-strong brands represent a promise –of quality, useful features etc. - for the consumer. Thus, the extension will benefit from this fame

    If the fridges are good then the washing machine will be good

    If the Sony makes good TV then audio system will also be good



    Lower cost: you do not have to invest  a lot of money in developing a new brand because the new product use the name of an already well-known brand


    Colgate was know so brush should automatically a good brand

    Orange à Hutchà Vodafone had to spend a lot of money TV, Bus hoarding, shop danglers, takeaways to say Hutch is Vodafone


    Enhancement of brand visibility: when a brand appears in another field it can “be a more effective and efficient brand-building approach than spending money on advertising”.


    Recognize ITC logo , Tata logo, Reliance logo anywhere


    Defensive strategy: an extension can prevent competitors from gaining or exploiting a foothold in the market



    Respect : if you are successful, you increase the respect/stature of your brand overall, and may well regenerate it.


    Dilution of the existing brand image : Brand dilution is the weakening of a brand though its overuse.

    IIT  ( 16 more)

    Seven IITs are located in Kharagpur, Mumbai, Madras, Kanpur, Delhi, Guwahati, and Roorkee.

    Nine more IITs in the states of Bihar (Patna), Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad), Himachal Pradesh, Orissa (Bhubaneshwar), Madhya Pradesh (Indore), Gujarat (Gandhinagar) and Punjab (Rupnagar), and the conversion of IT-BHU to an IIT




    Corel and Adobe launch new software every year


A disaster can occur

    Finding of worms in dairy milk affected all brands of Cadburys



    Focus : Lose the tight focus of your existing brand, and therefore its intimacy



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